In 1984, we began working for the industry, putting especial attention to the Gas and Petroleum industries.
Although we deal in providing solutions to many sectors of this industry, our main activity is focused in products and services for cathodic protection and renewable energies.
Since 2006 we manufacture our products under the trademark imasTec®.
Following successive external audits, we continue to maintain our ISO 9001:2008 qualification, which we obtained from UKAS from the primary design process to after-sales care and the various services we provide.
In order to qualify we have installed a laboratory with certified standards instruments and traceable to national standards (INTI).
Today we elaborate rectifier equipments, controls for photovoltaic and aeolian systems, assembly accessories and instruments, from simple milivoltmeters of high impedance to sophisticated recorders or telemetric systems
On the other hand, we put our experience in the design and start-up of the cathodic protection systems, assistance and services, and developing custom solutions for specific problems.
As a dedicated company to the best development of the national industry, EPCA is a founding partner of the Argentine Chamber of Suppliers of the Petro Energy Industry (CAPIPE), which brings together many of the best national